Monday, September 26, 2005


This doesn't seem right to me. Am I missing something?

Gov. Rick Perry today asked President Bush to designate the two consecutive hurricanes as one natural disaster for administrative and funding. He said such a designation would allow Texas to be reimbursed at the same level for Hurrican Rita as is expected for Hurricane Katrina.

"The shelter that we provided for the evacuees of Hurricane Katrina affected every aspect of our preparation, response and recovery for Hurricane Rita, which makes the argument for considering these consecutive hurricanes as one tragedy," said Perry.

"With indications that the federal reimbursement will be less for Hurricane Rita based on information received from FEMA, I want to emphasize the state's position that it makes sense to provide the same level of federal support for a storm that did much more extensive damage," Perry said at a news conference in Austin.

Full story here

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