Friday, September 02, 2005
Crisis counseling hotline available - via
UnitedHealthcare announced that anyone in the Gulf Coast region affected by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina will have free access to a 24-hour telephone service staffed by UnitedHealthcare's experienced master's-level counselors. Counselors can assist callers with the range of personal concerns that may affect victims of natural disasters: Stress, anxiety and the grieving process. Callers also may receive referrals from a national database of community resources to help them with specific concerns, such as financial and legal issues. Callers who may have suffered physical trauma or symptoms will be transferred to a nurse who will be able to provide health education and decision support regarding the need for medical treatment. In addition, individuals who prefer to use the Internet may access disaster information at www.liveandworkwell.comThe toll-free hotline is 1-866-615-8700. The service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as necessary. The service is free of charge to anyone affected by the hurricane.