Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Blanco to FEMA - pay for hotel rooms

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gov. Kathleen Blanco asked federal officials on Tuesday to begin moving evacuees from shelters to hotel rooms because she believes it's taking too long to provide them permanent housing.

"Shelter life is not a quality life. The president and I both agree that people in shelters need more stable, private housing," Blanco said at a news conference.

Ron Sherman, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's head of housing for Katrina refugees, said the disaster agency has not made a final decision on Blanco's request, but agreed in principle to pay for hotel rooms for evacuees for up to 90 days in the state where they are currently staying in shelters.

Blanco's hotel proposal came three days after Hurricane Katrina evacuees swarmed around her, firing questions, as she visited a Lafayette shelter, asking when they could return home, complaining about the conditions and inquiring about transitional housing.
full story here

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