Friday, September 09, 2005


Katrina by the numbers -

24,464 National Guard soldiers and airmen are conducting operations in 13 Louisiana parishes.- They have helped evacuate 238 critical patients in the last four days, including 34 in the past 24 hours.- More than 130,000 Louisiana residents applied for a total of $55 million in emergency food-stamp benefits in the one-week period from Sept. 2-9.- About 240 shelters in Louisiana operated by the state, the American Red Cross and other non-profit groups are hosting more than 54,000 people displaced by the storm. Another 659 people are being housed in special-needs shelters.- As of Thursday, the state Department of Labor had collected 105,000 unemployment claims from Louisiana residents who lost their jobs because of Katrina.- Preliminary estimates indicate a potential $1.3 billion loss in retail fisheries revenue over the next year due to Katrina.- A total of 229 people have been arrested and detained at the "Camp Greyhound" temporary detention center in New Orleans.

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